Q. Why did you change your name from 4Foot10 to EchoRed?
A. Well, we were 4Foot10 for ages when we were more of a punk band, and it really suited us then, but then we changed our styles quite a lot, and none of our new songs really suited the name at all. So we tried to come up with a new one, and eventually decided upon EchoRed. We promise not to change it again.
Q. But I really liked 4Foot10 as a name!
A. Well we don't care.
Q. What is wrong with Mike's hair?
A. Michael's trim is a sensitive subject, and not one that I can really get into on the web page. So sorry.
Q. What are FAQs?
A. No seriously, you'd be surprised how many people ask that. "Frequently Asked Questions". Well, there you go, now you know.
Q. What kind of music do you play?
A. Ok, well I always find this one difficult to answer, but I would have to go for rock music but with a quieter more subtle side as well. Pretentious maybe, but I am doing my best here.
Q. What's Charlie's phone number?
A. Since putting this question on the website, a number of people have lodged completely ungrounded complaints, suggesting, for some reason, that this could not be considered a FAQ.
But I like it, so it stays.
Q. Who made this website?
A. Me
Q. When is your next recording out, and how can I get a copy of the ones you've already done?
A. Hopefully before the end of October, and by going to www.mp3.com/EchoRed. Alternatively, that may never work because they're really taking their time.
Q. Why are there no pictures of Jack anywhere on the site?
A. Well, honestly, we're not hiding anything, it's just that people very rudely seem to ignore the drummer when they're taking photos of us. Sorry about that. Watch this space though...
Q. Why is the question I wanted to ask not here?
A. You haven't mailed it to me yet, so it's your fault. EchoRed
Q. Ok, what's with the thing about the bananas on the guest book page?